
More Than a Hobby..

ESP8266 Advanced

DNS Captive Portal

When using the ESP8266 in access point mode, you probably want to redirect users to the right page. You can do this by creating a captive portal, using DNS. It's basically just a DNS server that will convert all host names to the ESP's own IP address. 
This technique is also used by open Wi-Fi networks that redirect you to a login page before you can start browsing the internet.

Wi-Fi configuration

If you want to be able to change the Wi-Fi connection settings without re-uploading the code, you could take a look at the WiFiManager library by tzapu. This will try to connect to known networks, but if it fails, it will start a Wi-Fi access point. You can then connect to this access point, open the browser, and pick a network to connect to. The new configuration is saved.
The WiFiManager library uses a captive portal to present you with the right Wi-Fi settings page.
You could also implement a Wi-Fi manager yourself, or you can just check out the example that comes with the ESP8266 Arduino Core (Examples > DNSServer > CaptivePortalAdvanced).


The ESP8266 has an I²S bus on the RXD pin. It can run at 80MHz, and has DMA (direct memory access), so it's really fast. Its main purpose is to connect an I²S DAC (Digital to Analog Converter) to have an audio output, but you can use it for other things as well. 
For example, CNLohr managed to transmit analog television, by connecting an antenna wire to the I²S pin. You can also use it to control WS2812Bs LEDs. You can even use it to communicate over Ethernet (not really useful, and definitely not recommended, but it works).
Another great use for the I²S bus is outputting data to shift registers. This gives you extra outputs that are reasonably fast, for things like LEDs or stepper motors.

Other examples

You can find lots of other examples in the Arduino IDE, I'd recommend to check those out as well.


There's some great channels on YouTube that do amazing things with the ESP8266. Here's a short list of the ones I'm currently following. If you've got more recommendation, just leave a comment!

ESP8266 Email notifier

Another great use for IoT devices is displaying things like traffic information, weather forecast, social media updates ... This requires us to send an HTTP GET request to the server of the service we'd like to access. Most popular services have API (Application Programming Interface) documents that explain that explain how you can retrieve certain information, and what format that information is in. In the following example, we'll look at Gmail specifically, but the code should be similar for other services.

Showing the number of unread emails

To communicate with Google's Gmail servers, we have to establish a secure connection to the server and send a secure HTTPS request with our email address and password. Gmail will then respond with an XML document containing all kinds of information, like (parts of) your most recent messages and the number of unread emails.
To make sure we don't send our Google password to a malicious server, we have to check the server's identity, using the SHA-1 fingerprint of the SSL certificate. This is a unique sequence of hexadecimal characters that identifies the server.

Allowing access to the email feed

The only way (I know of) to get email information from Google on the ESP currently is the Google Atom Feed. This is an older method, so you have to change your Gmail settings to allow access to the feed.
Go to https://www.google.com/settings/security/lesssecureapps to enable access for "less secure apps":blocked sign-in attempt-2.pngless secure apps-2.png
Until there's support for the new OAuth2 protocol on the ESP, we'll have to use the old, less secure method.


Connect an LED (+ resistor) to pin 13, as an unread email indicator.

The Code

#include <WiFiClientSecure.h>   // Include the HTTPS library
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>        // Include the Wi-Fi library
#include <ESP8266WiFiMulti.h>   // Include the Wi-Fi-Multi library

ESP8266WiFiMulti wifiMulti;     // Create an instance of the ESP8266WiFiMulti class, called 'wifiMulti'

const char* host = "mail.google.com"; // the Gmail server
const char* url = "/mail/feed/atom";  // the Gmail feed url
const int httpsPort = 443;            // the port to connect to the email server

                                      // The SHA-1 fingerprint of the SSL certificate for the Gmail server (see below)
const char* fingerprint = "D3 90 FC 82 07 E6 0D C2 CE F9 9D 79 7F EC F6 E6 3E CB 8B B3";

                                      // The Base64 encoded version of your Gmail login credentials (see below)
const char* credentials = "ZW1haWwuYWRkcmVzc0BnbWFpbC5jb206cGFzc3dvcmQ=";

const byte led = 13;

void setup() {
  Serial.begin(115200);         // Start the Serial communication to send messages to the computer

  pinMode(led, OUTPUT);

  wifiMulti.addAP("ssid_from_AP_1", "your_password_for_AP_1");   // add Wi-Fi networks you want to connect to
  wifiMulti.addAP("ssid_from_AP_2", "your_password_for_AP_2");
  wifiMulti.addAP("ssid_from_AP_3", "your_password_for_AP_3");

  Serial.println("Connecting ...");
  int i = 0;
  while (wifiMulti.run() != WL_CONNECTED) { // Wait for the Wi-Fi to connect: scan for Wi-Fi networks, and connect to the strongest of the networks above
  Serial.print("Connected to ");
  Serial.println(WiFi.SSID());              // Tell us what network we're connected to
  Serial.print("IP address:\t");
  Serial.println(WiFi.localIP());           // Send the IP address of the ESP8266 to the computer

void loop() {
  int unread = getUnread();
  if (unread == 0) {
    Serial.println("\r\nYou've got no unread emails");
    digitalWrite(led, LOW);
  } else if (unread > 0) {
    Serial.printf("\r\nYou've got %d new messages\r\n", unread);
    digitalWrite(led, HIGH);
  } else {
    Serial.println("Could not get unread mails");

int getUnread() {    // a function to get the number of unread emails in your Gmail inbox
  WiFiClientSecure client; // Use WiFiClientSecure class to create TLS (HTTPS) connection
  Serial.printf("Connecting to %s:%d ... \r\n", host, httpsPort);
  if (!client.connect(host, httpsPort)) {   // Connect to the Gmail server, on port 443
    Serial.println("Connection failed");    // If the connection fails, stop and return
    return -1;

  if (client.verify(fingerprint, host)) {   // Check the SHA-1 fingerprint of the SSL certificate
    Serial.println("Certificate matches");
  } else {                                  // if it doesn't match, it's not safe to continue
    Serial.println("Certificate doesn't match");
    return -1;

  Serial.print("Requesting URL: ");

  client.print(String("GET ") + url + " HTTP/1.1\r\n" + 
               "Host: " + host + "\r\n" +
               "Authorization: Basic " + credentials + "\r\n" +
               "User-Agent: ESP8266\r\n" +
               "Connection: close\r\n\r\n"); // Send the HTTP request headers

  Serial.println("Request sent");

  int unread = -1;

  while (client.connected()) {                          // Wait for the response. The response is in XML format
    client.readStringUntil('<');                        // read until the first XML tag
    String tagname = client.readStringUntil('>');       // read until the end of this tag to get the tag name
    if (tagname == "fullcount") {                       // if the tag is <fullcount>, the next string will be the number of unread emails
      String unreadStr = client.readStringUntil('<');   // read until the closing tag (</fullcount>)
      unread = unreadStr.toInt();                       // convert from String to int
      break;                                            // stop reading
    }                                                   // if the tag is not <fullcount>, repeat and read the next tag
  Serial.println("Connection closed");

  return unread;                                        // Return the number of unread emails

How it works

The setup should be pretty familiar by now. 
The only new thing is the getUnread() function:
First, it starts an HTTPS connection to the Gmail server on port 443. Then it checks if the fingerprint of the certificate matches, so it knows that it's the real Google server, and not some hacker. If the certificate doesn't match, it's not safe to send the credentials to the server.

If it matches, we send a HTTP GET request to the server:

GET /mail/feed/atom HTTP/1.1\r\n
Host: mail.google.com\r\n
Authorization: Basic aVeryLongStringOfBase64EncodedCharacters=\r\n
User-Agent: ESP8266\r\n
Connection: close\r\n\r\n
The request contains the URI we want to access (in this case this is the Atom feed URL), the host (which is mail.google.com), and the base64-encoded version of your login credentials.
As you can see, the different lines of the header are separated by a CRLF (Carriage Return + Line Feed, \r\n). Two CRLF's mark the end of the header.
The Gmail server will process our request, and send the feed as a response over the same HTTPS connection. This response is an XML document, that consists of tags with angled brackets, just like HTML. If you need a lot of data, it's recommended to use a proper XML parser library, but we only need one tag, so we can just skim through the response text until we find the <fullcount>x</fullcount> tag. The number inside this tag is the number of unread emails in the inbox.
We can just convert it to an integer, and stop reading.
This is the format of the XML feed, you can see the fullcount tag on line 5:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<feed xmlns="http://purl.org/atom/ns#" version="0.3">
    <title>Gmail - Inbox for Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.;/title>
    <tagline>New messages in your Gmail Inbox</tagline>
    <link rel="alternate" href="https://mail.google.com/mail" type="text/html" />
        <title>New sign-in from Firefox on Linux</title>
        <summary>New sign-in from Firefox on Linux Hi ESP8266, Your Google Account Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. was just used to sign in from Firefox on Linux. ESP8266 Test Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. Linux Sunday,</summary>
        <link rel="alternate" href="https://mail.google.com/mail?account_id=Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.&;amp;message_id=123456789&amp;view=conv&amp;extsrc=atom" type="text/html" />
            <email>Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.;/email>



The loop just prints the number of unread emails, and turns on an LED if you have unread messages.

Getting the fingerprint of the Gmail server

Like I mentioned before, we need a fingerprint to check the identity of the server. To get this fingerprint, execute the following command in a terminal (Linux & Mac):
openssl s_client -connect mail.google.com:443 < /dev/null 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -fingerprint -noout -in /dev/stdin | sed 's/:/ /g'
Copy the hexadecimal fingerprint string and paste it into the sketch on line 12. For example:
const char* fingerprint = "D3 90 FC 82 07 E6 0D C2 CE F9 9D 79 7F EC F6 E6 3E CB 8B B3";

Encoding your login credentials

To get access to the feed, you have to enter your email address and password. You can't send them as plain text, you have to encode them to base64 first. Use the following command in a terminal (Linux & Mac):
echo -n "Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.:password" | base64
Then add it to line 15 of the sketch. For example:
const char* credentials = "ZW1haWwuYWRkcmVzc0BnbWFpbC5jb206cGFzc3dvcmQ=";

Other APIs

Many services send their data in JSON format. If you just need one piece of information, you may be able to use the same approach of scanning the entire JSON text for a certain word, but it's much easier to use a JSON parser, like the ArduinoJson library. It will deserialize the JSON text, and create a JSON object, you could compare it to an associative array. You can browse the entire tree structure, and easily find the data you're looking for.
The downside is that it uses more memory.

ESP8266 Data logging

A common use for IoT devices like the ESP8266 is monitoring sensors. Using the code in the previous example, we can request the time, and save some sensor values to a file. If we run a server as well, we can show this data in a pretty graph in a webpage.

Temperature logger

In the following example, we'll use a DS18S20 temperature sensor to log the temperature over time and save it to the SPIFFS. It can then be displayed in a graph in the browser.

Installing libraries

First, download the Dallas Temperature library by Miles Burton and the OneWire library by Jim Studt: Go to Sketch > Include Library ... > Manage Libraries and search for 'Dallas Temperature' and 'OneWire' (make sure you download the correct version).


Connect the ground of the DS18S20 temperature sensor (pin 1) to the ground of the ESP, connect the data pin (pin 2) to GPIO5, and VCC (pin 3) to the 3.3V of the ESP. Finally, connect a 4k7Ω resistor between the data pin and VCC.

Libraries, constants and globals

#include <OneWire.h>
#include <DallasTemperature.h>
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <ESP8266WiFiMulti.h>
#include <WiFiUdp.h>
#include <ArduinoOTA.h>
#include <ESP8266WebServer.h>
#include <ESP8266mDNS.h>
#include <FS.h>

#define ONE_HOUR 3600000UL


OneWire oneWire(TEMP_SENSOR_PIN);        // Set up a OneWire instance to communicate with OneWire devices

DallasTemperature tempSensors(&oneWire); // Create an instance of the temperature sensor class

ESP8266WebServer server = ESP8266WebServer(80);       // create a web server on port 80

File fsUploadFile;                                    // a File variable to temporarily store the received file

ESP8266WiFiMulti wifiMulti;    // Create an instance of the ESP8266WiFiMulti class, called 'wifiMulti'

const char *OTAName = "ESP8266";         // A name and a password for the OTA service
const char *OTAPassword = "esp8266";

const char* mdnsName = "esp8266";        // Domain name for the mDNS responder

WiFiUDP UDP;                   // Create an instance of the WiFiUDP class to send and receive UDP messages

IPAddress timeServerIP;        // The time.nist.gov NTP server's IP address
const char* ntpServerName = "time.nist.gov";

const int NTP_PACKET_SIZE = 48;          // NTP time stamp is in the first 48 bytes of the message

byte packetBuffer[ NTP_PACKET_SIZE];     // A buffer to hold incoming and outgoing packets
The only new things here are the OneWire and DallasTemperature libraries, to get the temperature from the sensor.


void setup() {
  Serial.begin(115200);        // Start the Serial communication to send messages to the computer

  tempSensors.setWaitForConversion(false); // Don't block the program while the temperature sensor is reading
  tempSensors.begin();                     // Start the temperature sensor

  if (tempSensors.getDeviceCount() == 0) {
    Serial.printf("No DS18x20 temperature sensor found on pin %d. Rebooting.\r\n", TEMP_SENSOR_PIN);

  startWiFi();                 // Start a Wi-Fi access point, and try to connect to some given access points. Then wait for either an AP or STA connection

  startOTA();                  // Start the OTA service

  startSPIFFS();               // Start the SPIFFS and list all contents

  startMDNS();                 // Start the mDNS responder

  startServer();               // Start a HTTP server with a file read handler and an upload handler

  startUDP();                  // Start listening for UDP messages to port 123

  WiFi.hostByName(ntpServerName, timeServerIP); // Get the IP address of the NTP server
  Serial.print("Time server IP:\t");

In the setup, there's not much new either, we just start the temperature sensor, and check if we can communicate with it. If no temperature sensor is found, the ESP resets. 

Getting the temperature from the sensor may take some time (up to 750ms). We don't want our loop to take longer than a couple of milliseconds, so we can't wait 750ms. If we did, the HTTP server etc. would start to misbehave. 
The solution is to request the temperature first. The sensor will then start reading the analog temperature, and stores it in its memory. In the meantime, the loop just keeps on running, the server refreshes etc. After 750ms, we contact the sensor again, and read the temperature from its memory.
To tell the library that we don't want to wait for the analog to digital conversion of the sensor, we use setWaitForConversion.


const unsigned long intervalNTP = ONE_HOUR; // Update the time every hour
unsigned long prevNTP = 0;
unsigned long lastNTPResponse = millis();

const unsigned long intervalTemp = 60000;   // Do a temperature measurement every minute
unsigned long prevTemp = 0;
bool tmpRequested = false;
const unsigned long DS_delay = 750;         // Reading the temperature from the DS18x20 can take up to 750ms

uint32_t timeUNIX = 0;                      // The most recent timestamp received from the time server

void loop() {
  unsigned long currentMillis = millis();

  if (currentMillis - prevNTP > intervalNTP) { // Request the time from the time server every hour
    prevNTP = currentMillis;

  uint32_t time = getTime();                   // Check if the time server has responded, if so, get the UNIX time
  if (time) {
    timeUNIX = time;
    Serial.print("NTP response:\t");
    lastNTPResponse = millis();
  } else if ((millis() - lastNTPResponse) > 24UL * ONE_HOUR) {
    Serial.println("More than 24 hours since last NTP response. Rebooting.");

  if (timeUNIX != 0) {
    if (currentMillis - prevTemp > intervalTemp) {  // Every minute, request the temperature
      tempSensors.requestTemperatures(); // Request the temperature from the sensor (it takes some time to read it)
      tmpRequested = true;
      prevTemp = currentMillis;
      Serial.println("Temperature requested");
    if (currentMillis - prevTemp > DS_delay && tmpRequested) { // 750 ms after requesting the temperature
      uint32_t actualTime = timeUNIX + (currentMillis - lastNTPResponse) / 1000;
      // The actual time is the last NTP time plus the time that has elapsed since the last NTP response
      tmpRequested = false;
      float temp = tempSensors.getTempCByIndex(0); // Get the temperature from the sensor
      temp = round(temp * 100.0) / 100.0; // round temperature to 2 digits

      Serial.printf("Appending temperature to file: %lu,", actualTime);
      File tempLog = SPIFFS.open("/temp.csv", "a"); // Write the time and the temperature to the csv file
  } else {                                    // If we didn't receive an NTP response yet, send another request

  server.handleClient();                      // run the server
  ArduinoOTA.handle();                        // listen for OTA events
The loop looks a lot more complex, but it's actually pretty simple. It's all based on Blink Without Delay. 
There's two things going on:
  1. Every hour, the ESP requests the time from an NTP server. Then it constantly checks for a response, and updates the time if it gets an NTP response. If it hasn't received any responses for over 24 hours, there's something wrong, and the ESP resets itself.
  2. Every minute, the ESP requests the temperature from the DS18x20 sensor, and sets the 'tmpRequested' flag. The sensor will start the analog to digital conversion.
    750ms after the request, when the conversion should be finished, the ESP reads the temperature from the sensor, and resets the flag (otherwise, it would keep on reading the same temperature over and over again). Then it writes the time and the temperature to a file in SPIFFS.
    By saving it as a CSV file in the filesystem, we can easily download it to the client (using the web server that is running), and it's easy to parse with JavaScript.
If we miss the first NTP response, timeUNIX will be zero. If that's the case, we send another NTP request (otherwise, the next request would be an hour later, and the temperature logging only starts when the time is known).
We also need to run the server and OTA functions to handle HTTP and OTA requests.

Setup functions, server handlers and helper functions

These functions haven't change since the previous example, so there's no need to cover them here. You do need them to get the program running, though. Download the ZIP archive with examples for the full sketch.

HTML and JavaScript

There's some HTML and JavaScript files to plot the temperature using Google Graphs. I won't cover it here, but if you wan't to know how it works, you can find the files in the ZIP archive.

Using the example

Set the SPIFFS size to 64KB or larger if you plan to use it for prolonged periods of time. (You could also increase the logging interval on line 80 to save space.)
Enter your Wi-Fi credentials on lines 138-140, and hit upload. Then upload the webpages and scripts to SPIFFS using Tools > ESP8266 Sketch Data Upload.
Make sure you have the temperature sensor connected, as described at the top of this page. Open a terminal to see if it works. You should see something like this:

Connected to SSID
IP address:

OTA ready

SPIFFS started. Contents:
	FS File: /favicon-144x144.png, size: 2.81KB
	FS File: /temperatureGraph.js.gz, size: 1.17KB
	FS File: /temp.csv, size: 42.50KB
	FS File: /success.html.gz, size: 456B
	FS File: /edit.html.gz, size: 700B
	FS File: /main.css.gz, size: 349B
	FS File: /index.html.gz, size: 795B
	FS File: /manifest.json, size: 169B
	FS File: /favicon.ico.gz, size: 1.91KB

mDNS responder started: http://esp8266.local
HTTP server started.
Starting UDP
Local port:	123
Time server IP:
Sending NTP request
NTP response:	1488666586
Temperature requested
Appending temperature to file: 1488666627,20.00
Temperature requested
Appending temperature to file: 1488666687,19.94
Temperature requested
Let it run for a couple of minutes, to gather some temperature data. Then open a web browser, and go to http://esp8266.local/.
You should get a graph showing the temperature curve. You can use the arrow buttons to travel through time, and the + and - buttons to zoom in or out. The reset button resets the zoom, and jumps back to the present. Refresh requests the latest temperature data.
If you want, you can still go to http://esp8266.local/edit.html to upload new files.
The web interface should look like this:


It works on Windows, Linux and Android, but iOS seems to have some problems rendering the graph (in both Chrome and Safari).

ESP8266 Network Time Protocol

There are many applications where you want to know the time. In a normal Arduino project, you would have to get a RTC module, set the right time, sacrifice some Arduino pins for communication ... And when the RTC battery runs out, you have to replace it.

On the ESP8266, all you need is an Internet connection: you can just ask a time server what time it is. To do this, the Network Time Protocol (NTP) is used.

In the previous examples (HTTP, WebSockets) we've only used TCP connections, but NTP is based on UDP. There are a couple of differences, but it's really easy to use, thanks to the great libraries that come with the ESP8266 Arduino Core.

The main difference between TCP and UDP is that TCP needs a connection to send messages: First a handshake is sent by the client, the server responds, and a connection is established, and the client can send its messages. After the client has received the response of the server, the connection is closed (except when using WebSockets). To send a new message, the client has to open a new connection to the server first. This introduces latency and overhead.

UDP doesn't use a connection, a client can just send a message to the server directly, and the server can just send a response message back to the client when it has finished processing. There is, however, no guarantee that the messages will arrive at their destination, and there's no way to know whether they arrived or not (without sending an acknowledgement, of course). This means that we can't halt the program to wait for a response, because the request or response packet could have been lost on the Internet, and the ESP8266 will enter an infinite loop.

Instead of waiting for a response, we just send multiple requests, with a fixed interval between two requests, and just regularly check if a response has been received. 

Getting the time

Let's take a look at an example that uses UDP to request the time from a NTP server.

Libraries, constants and globals

#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <ESP8266WiFiMulti.h>
#include <WiFiUdp.h>

ESP8266WiFiMulti wifiMulti;      // Create an instance of the ESP8266WiFiMulti class, called 'wifiMulti'

WiFiUDP UDP;                     // Create an instance of the WiFiUDP class to send and receive

IPAddress timeServerIP;          // time.nist.gov NTP server address
const char* NTPServerName = "time.nist.gov";

const int NTP_PACKET_SIZE = 48;  // NTP time stamp is in the first 48 bytes of the message

byte NTPBuffer[NTP_PACKET_SIZE]; // buffer to hold incoming and outgoing packets
To use UDP, we have to include the WiFiUdp library, and create a UDP object. We'll also need to allocate memory for a buffer to store the UDP packets. For NTP, we need a buffer of 48 bytes long.
To know where to send the UDP packets to, we need the hostname of the NTP server, this is time.nist.gov.


void setup() {
  Serial.begin(115200);          // Start the Serial communication to send messages to the computer

  startWiFi();                   // Try to connect to some given access points. Then wait for a connection


  if(!WiFi.hostByName(NTPServerName, timeServerIP)) { // Get the IP address of the NTP server
    Serial.println("DNS lookup failed. Rebooting.");
  Serial.print("Time server IP:\t");
  Serial.println("\r\nSending NTP request ...");
In the setup, we just start our Serial and Wi-Fi, as usual, and we start UDP as well. We'll look at the implementation of this function later.
We need the IP address of the NTP server, so we perform a DNS lookup with the server's hostname. There's not much we can do without the IP address of the time server, so if the lookup fails, reboot the ESP. 
If we do get an IP, send the first NTP request, and enter the loop.


unsigned long intervalNTP = 60000; // Request NTP time every minute
unsigned long prevNTP = 0;
unsigned long lastNTPResponse = millis();
uint32_t timeUNIX = 0;

unsigned long prevActualTime = 0;

void loop() {
  unsigned long currentMillis = millis();

  if (currentMillis - prevNTP > intervalNTP) { // If a minute has passed since last NTP request
    prevNTP = currentMillis;
    Serial.println("\r\nSending NTP request ...");
    sendNTPpacket(timeServerIP);               // Send an NTP request

  uint32_t time = getTime();                   // Check if an NTP response has arrived and get the (UNIX) time
  if (time) {                                  // If a new timestamp has been received
    timeUNIX = time;
    Serial.print("NTP response:\t");
    lastNTPResponse = currentMillis;
  } else if ((currentMillis - lastNTPResponse) > 3600000) {
    Serial.println("More than 1 hour since last NTP response. Rebooting.");

  uint32_t actualTime = timeUNIX + (currentMillis - lastNTPResponse)/1000;
  if (actualTime != prevActualTime && timeUNIX != 0) { // If a second has passed since last print
    prevActualTime = actualTime;
    Serial.printf("\rUTC time:\t%d:%d:%d   ", getHours(actualTime), getMinutes(actualTime), getSeconds(actualTime));
The first part of the loop sends a new NTP request to the time server every minute. This is based on Blink Without Delay. 
Then we call the getTime function to check if we've got a new response from the server. If this is the case, we update the timeUNIX variable with the new timestamp from the server.
If we don't get any responses for an hour, then there's something wrong, so we reboot the ESP.
The last part prints the actual time. The actual time is just the last NTP time plus the time since we received that NTP message. 

Setup functions

Nothing special here, just a function to connect to Wi-Fi, and a new function to start listening for UDP messages on port 123.
void startWiFi() { // Try to connect to some given access points. Then wait for a connection
  wifiMulti.addAP("ssid_from_AP_1", "your_password_for_AP_1");   // add Wi-Fi networks you want to connect to
  wifiMulti.addAP("ssid_from_AP_2", "your_password_for_AP_2");
  wifiMulti.addAP("ssid_from_AP_3", "your_password_for_AP_3");

  while (wifiMulti.run() != WL_CONNECTED) {  // Wait for the Wi-Fi to connect
  Serial.print("Connected to ");
  Serial.println(WiFi.SSID());             // Tell us what network we're connected to
  Serial.print("IP address:\t");
  Serial.print(WiFi.localIP());            // Send the IP address of the ESP8266 to the computer

void startUDP() {
  Serial.println("Starting UDP");
  UDP.begin(123);                          // Start listening for UDP messages on port 123
  Serial.print("Local port:\t");

Helper functions

uint32_t getTime() {
  if (UDP.parsePacket() == 0) { // If there's no response (yet)
    return 0;
  UDP.read(NTPBuffer, NTP_PACKET_SIZE); // read the packet into the buffer
  // Combine the 4 timestamp bytes into one 32-bit number
  uint32_t NTPTime = (NTPBuffer[40] << 24) | (NTPBuffer[41] << 16) | (NTPBuffer[42] << 8) | NTPBuffer[43];
  // Convert NTP time to a UNIX timestamp:
  // Unix time starts on Jan 1 1970. That's 2208988800 seconds in NTP time:
  const uint32_t seventyYears = 2208988800UL;
  // subtract seventy years:
  uint32_t UNIXTime = NTPTime - seventyYears;
  return UNIXTime;

void sendNTPpacket(IPAddress& address) {
  memset(NTPBuffer, 0, NTP_PACKET_SIZE);  // set all bytes in the buffer to 0
  // Initialize values needed to form NTP request
  NTPBuffer[0] = 0b11100011;   // LI, Version, Mode
  // send a packet requesting a timestamp:
  UDP.beginPacket(address, 123); // NTP requests are to port 123
  UDP.write(NTPBuffer, NTP_PACKET_SIZE);

inline int getSeconds(uint32_t UNIXTime) {
  return UNIXTime % 60;

inline int getMinutes(uint32_t UNIXTime) {
  return UNIXTime / 60 % 60;

inline int getHours(uint32_t UNIXTime) {
  return UNIXTime / 3600 % 24;
In the getTime function, we first try to parse the UDP packet. If there's no packet available, the function just returns 0. If there is a UDP packet available however, read it into the buffer. The NTP timestamp is 32 bits or 4 bytes wide, so we combine these bytes into one long number. This number is the number of seconds since Jan 1, 1900, 00:00:00, but most applications use UNIX time, the number of seconds since Jan 1, 1970, 00:00:00 (UNIX epoch). To convert from NTP time to UNIX time, we just subtract 70 years worth of seconds.
To request the time from the NTP server, you have to send a certain sequence of 48 bytes. We don't need any fancy features, so just set the first byte to request the time, and leave all other 47 bytes zero.
To actually send the packet, you have to start the packet, specifying the IP address of the server, and the NTP port number, port 123. Then just write the buffer to the packet, and send it with endPacket.
The last three functions are just some simple math to convert seconds to hours, minutes and seconds.

Using the example

Enter your Wi-Fi credentials on lines 79-81, and hit upload. If you have a working Internet connection, you should get an output that looks like this:

Connected to Wi-Fi SSID
IP address:

Starting UDP
Local port:	123

Time server IP:

Sending NTP request ...
NTP response:	1488378061
UTC time:	14:21:53   
Sending NTP request ...
NTP response:	1488378114
UTC time:	14:22:53   
Sending NTP request ...
NTP response:	1488378174
UTC time:	14:23:53   
Sending NTP request ...
NTP response:	1488378234
UTC time:	14:24:53   
Sending NTP request ...
NTP response:	1488378294
UTC time:	14:25:53
You should see the time update every second, and Sending NTP request ...  should show up every minute.
If you don't have an Internet connection, the DNS lookup of the time server will fail:

Connected to Wi-Fi SSID
IP address:

Starting UDP
Local port:	123

DNS lookup failed. Rebooting.

 ets Jan  8 2013,rst cause:2, boot mode:(3,6)
If your connection is not reliable, or if there's heavy traffic, you might encounter some dropped packets:
Sending NTP request ...
NTP response:	1488378780
UTC time:	14:33:54   
Sending NTP request ...
UTC time:	14:34:54   
Sending NTP request ...
NTP response:	1488378895
UTC time:	14:35:0
As you can see, the ESP never received a response to the second NTP request. That's not really an issue, as long as at least some packets make it through.

Local time and daylight savings

An NTP server returns the UTC time. If you want local time, you have to compensate for your time zone and daylight savings. For example, if you want CET (Central European Time), you have to add 3600 to the UNIX time during winter, (3600 s = 1 h), and 7200 during summer (DST).

ESP8266 WebSocket communication

Up until now, we've always used links (GET) and HTML forms (POST) to get data from the ESP, or to send data to it. This always resulted in a browser navigation action. There are many situations where you want to send data to the ESP without refreshing the page. 
One way to do this is by using AJAX and XMLHTTP requests. The disadvantage is that you have to establish a new TCP connection for every message you send. This adds a load of latency.
WebSocket is a technology that keeps the TCP connection open, so you can constantly send data back and forth between the ESP and the client, with low latency. And since it's TCP, you're sure that the packets will arrive intact. 

Controlling RGB LEDs from a web interface using WebSocket

To learn how to use WebSockets, I created this comprehensive example, it uses pretty much everything we've covered so far.
The ESP hosts a webpage with three sliders to set the red, green and blue levels of an RGB LED (or LED strip). There's also a button to turn on a rainbow effect that cycles through the entire color wheel. Color data is transmitted from the browser to the ESP via a WebSocket connection. 
You can connect to the ESP directly, using it as an AP, or let the ESP connect to a different AP. You can use mDNS to open the webpage, by browsing to http://esp8266.local.
All files are stored in the ESP's SPIFFS, and you can upload new files, or update files via a web interface
You can also use the OTA service to upload new firmware (sketches) over Wi-Fi.

Improving readability

When dealing with large and complicated programs, it's a good idea to make abstraction of some things, and create functions with a descriptive name instead of endless lines of meaningless code. 
Even if you have lots of comments in your code, it'll be very hard to preserve an overview. Using functions will greatly improve the readability of your code.
So just split up the code into different parts and move all pieces to functions at the bottom of your sketch, or even to different files. 

In the following example, the setup was very long and cluttered, so I split it up into several different functions: one to connect to the Wi-Fi, one to start the OTA update service, one to start the SPIFFS ... and so on. 

Downloading WebSockets for Arduino

We'll be using the arduinoWebSockets library by Links2004. Download it from GitHub and install it. (Sketch > Include Library > Add .ZIP Library...)

Libraries, constants and globals

At the top of the sketch we'll include the necessary libraries, create some global server and file objects like in the previous examples, and some constants for the host name, AP ssid, passwords, LED pins ...
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <ESP8266WiFiMulti.h>
#include <ArduinoOTA.h>
#include <ESP8266WebServer.h>
#include <ESP8266mDNS.h>
#include <FS.h>
#include <WebSocketsServer.h>

ESP8266WiFiMulti wifiMulti;       // Create an instance of the ESP8266WiFiMulti class, called 'wifiMulti'

ESP8266WebServer server = ESP8266WebServer(80);       // create a web server on port 80
WebSocketsServer webSocket = WebSocketsServer(81);    // create a websocket server on port 81

File fsUploadFile;                                    // a File variable to temporarily store the received file

const char *ssid = "ESP8266 Access Point"; // The name of the Wi-Fi network that will be created
const char *password = "thereisnospoon";   // The password required to connect to it, leave blank for an open network

const char *OTAName = "ESP8266";           // A name and a password for the OTA service
const char *OTAPassword = "esp8266";

#define LED_RED     15            // specify the pins with an RGB LED connected
#define LED_GREEN   12
#define LED_BLUE    13

const char* mdnsName = "esp8266"; // Domain name for the mDNS responder
You should already be familiar with most of this code. The only new part is the WebSocket server library that is included, and the WebSocket server object, but this shouldn't be a problem.


void setup() {
  pinMode(LED_RED, OUTPUT);    // the pins with LEDs connected are outputs
  pinMode(LED_BLUE, OUTPUT);

  Serial.begin(115200);        // Start the Serial communication to send messages to the computer

  startWiFi();                 // Start a Wi-Fi access point, and try to connect to some given access points. Then wait for either an AP or STA connection
  startOTA();                  // Start the OTA service
  startSPIFFS();               // Start the SPIFFS and list all contents

  startWebSocket();            // Start a WebSocket server
  startMDNS();                 // Start the mDNS responder

  startServer();               // Start a HTTP server with a file read handler and an upload handler
As you can see, the setup is now much more condensed and gives a much better overview of what it's doing. To understand the program, you don't have to know each individual step that is required to connect to a Wi-Fi network, it's enough to know that it will connect to a Wi-Fi network, because that's what the startWiFi function does.


bool rainbow = false;             // The rainbow effect is turned off on startup

unsigned long prevMillis = millis();
int hue = 0;

void loop() {
  webSocket.loop();                           // constantly check for websocket events
  server.handleClient();                      // run the server
  ArduinoOTA.handle();                        // listen for OTA events

  if(rainbow) {                               // if the rainbow effect is turned on
    if(millis() > prevMillis + 32) {          
      if(++hue == 360)                        // Cycle through the color wheel (increment by one degree every 32 ms)
        hue = 0;
      setHue(hue);                            // Set the RGB LED to the right color
      prevMillis = millis();
Same goes for the loop: most of the work is done by the first three functions that handle the WebSocket communication, HTTP requests and OTA updates. When such an event happens, the appropriate handler functions will be executed. These are defined elsewhere.
The second part is the rainbow effect. If it is turned on, it cycles through the color wheel and sets the color to the RGB LED. 
If you don't understand why I use millis(), you can take a look at the Blink Without Delay example.

Setup functions

void startWiFi() { // Start a Wi-Fi access point, and try to connect to some given access points. Then wait for either an AP or STA connection
  WiFi.softAP(ssid, password);             // Start the access point
  Serial.print("Access Point \"");
  Serial.println("\" started\r\n");

  wifiMulti.addAP("ssid_from_AP_1", "your_password_for_AP_1");   // add Wi-Fi networks you want to connect to
  wifiMulti.addAP("ssid_from_AP_2", "your_password_for_AP_2");
  wifiMulti.addAP("ssid_from_AP_3", "your_password_for_AP_3");

  while (wifiMulti.run() != WL_CONNECTED && WiFi.softAPgetStationNum() < 1) {  // Wait for the Wi-Fi to connect
  if(WiFi.softAPgetStationNum() == 0) {      // If the ESP is connected to an AP
    Serial.print("Connected to ");
    Serial.println(WiFi.SSID());             // Tell us what network we're connected to
    Serial.print("IP address:\t");
    Serial.print(WiFi.localIP());            // Send the IP address of the ESP8266 to the computer
  } else {                                   // If a station is connected to the ESP SoftAP
    Serial.print("Station connected to ESP8266 AP");

void startOTA() { // Start the OTA service

  ArduinoOTA.onStart([]() {
    digitalWrite(LED_RED, 0);    // turn off the LEDs
    digitalWrite(LED_GREEN, 0);
    digitalWrite(LED_BLUE, 0);
  ArduinoOTA.onEnd([]() {
  ArduinoOTA.onProgress([](unsigned int progress, unsigned int total) {
    Serial.printf("Progress: %u%%\r", (progress / (total / 100)));
  ArduinoOTA.onError([](ota_error_t error) {
    Serial.printf("Error[%u]: ", error);
    if (error == OTA_AUTH_ERROR) Serial.println("Auth Failed");
    else if (error == OTA_BEGIN_ERROR) Serial.println("Begin Failed");
    else if (error == OTA_CONNECT_ERROR) Serial.println("Connect Failed");
    else if (error == OTA_RECEIVE_ERROR) Serial.println("Receive Failed");
    else if (error == OTA_END_ERROR) Serial.println("End Failed");
  Serial.println("OTA ready\r\n");

void startSPIFFS() { // Start the SPIFFS and list all contents
  SPIFFS.begin();                             // Start the SPI Flash File System (SPIFFS)
  Serial.println("SPIFFS started. Contents:");
    Dir dir = SPIFFS.openDir("/");
    while (dir.next()) {                      // List the file system contents
      String fileName = dir.fileName();
      size_t fileSize = dir.fileSize();
      Serial.printf("\tFS File: %s, size: %s\r\n", fileName.c_str(), formatBytes(fileSize).c_str());

void startWebSocket() { // Start a WebSocket server
  webSocket.begin();                          // start the websocket server
  webSocket.onEvent(webSocketEvent);          // if there's an incomming websocket message, go to function 'webSocketEvent'
  Serial.println("WebSocket server started.");

void startMDNS() { // Start the mDNS responder
  MDNS.begin(mdnsName);                        // start the multicast domain name server
  Serial.print("mDNS responder started: http://");

void startServer() { // Start a HTTP server with a file read handler and an upload handler
  server.on("/edit.html",  HTTP_POST, []() {  // If a POST request is sent to the /edit.html address,
    server.send(200, "text/plain", ""); 
  }, handleFileUpload);                       // go to 'handleFileUpload'

  server.onNotFound(handleNotFound);          // if someone requests any other file or page, go to function 'handleNotFound'
                                              // and check if the file exists

  server.begin();                             // start the HTTP server
  Serial.println("HTTP server started.");
These are the function definitions of the functions used in the setup. Nothing new here, apart from the startWebSocket function. You just have to start the WebSocket server using the begin method, and then give it a callback function that is executed when the ESP receives a WebSocket message.

Server handlers

This is the code that is executed on certain server-related events, like when an HTTP request is received, when a file is being uploaded, when there's an incoming WebSocket message ... etc. 
void handleNotFound(){ // if the requested file or page doesn't exist, return a 404 not found error
  if(!handleFileRead(server.uri())){          // check if the file exists in the flash memory (SPIFFS), if so, send it
    server.send(404, "text/plain", "404: File Not Found");

bool handleFileRead(String path) { // send the right file to the client (if it exists)
  Serial.println("handleFileRead: " + path);
  if (path.endsWith("/")) path += "index.html";          // If a folder is requested, send the index file
  String contentType = getContentType(path);             // Get the MIME type
  String pathWithGz = path + ".gz";
  if (SPIFFS.exists(pathWithGz) || SPIFFS.exists(path)) { // If the file exists, either as a compressed archive, or normal
    if (SPIFFS.exists(pathWithGz))                         // If there's a compressed version available
      path += ".gz";                                         // Use the compressed verion
    File file = SPIFFS.open(path, "r");                    // Open the file
    size_t sent = server.streamFile(file, contentType);    // Send it to the client
    file.close();                                          // Close the file again
    Serial.println(String("\tSent file: ") + path);
    return true;
  Serial.println(String("\tFile Not Found: ") + path);   // If the file doesn't exist, return false
  return false;

void handleFileUpload(){ // upload a new file to the SPIFFS
  HTTPUpload& upload = server.upload();
  String path;
  if(upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_START){
    path = upload.filename;
    if(!path.startsWith("/")) path = "/"+path;
    if(!path.endsWith(".gz")) {                          // The file server always prefers a compressed version of a file 
      String pathWithGz = path+".gz";                    // So if an uploaded file is not compressed, the existing compressed
      if(SPIFFS.exists(pathWithGz))                      // version of that file must be deleted (if it exists)
    Serial.print("handleFileUpload Name: "); Serial.println(path);
    fsUploadFile = SPIFFS.open(path, "w");            // Open the file for writing in SPIFFS (create if it doesn't exist)
    path = String();
  } else if(upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_WRITE){
      fsUploadFile.write(upload.buf, upload.currentSize); // Write the received bytes to the file
  } else if(upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_END){
    if(fsUploadFile) {                                    // If the file was successfully created
      fsUploadFile.close();                               // Close the file again
      Serial.print("handleFileUpload Size: "); Serial.println(upload.totalSize);
      server.sendHeader("Location","/success.html");      // Redirect the client to the success page
    } else {
      server.send(500, "text/plain", "500: couldn't create file");

void webSocketEvent(uint8_t num, WStype_t type, uint8_t * payload, size_t lenght) { // When a WebSocket message is received
  switch (type) {
    case WStype_DISCONNECTED:             // if the websocket is disconnected
      Serial.printf("[%u] Disconnected!\n", num);
    case WStype_CONNECTED: {              // if a new websocket connection is established
        IPAddress ip = webSocket.remoteIP(num);
        Serial.printf("[%u] Connected from %d.%d.%d.%d url: %s\n", num, ip[0], ip[1], ip[2], ip[3], payload);
        rainbow = false;                  // Turn rainbow off when a new connection is established
    case WStype_TEXT:                     // if new text data is received
      Serial.printf("[%u] get Text: %s\n", num, payload);
      if (payload[0] == '#') {            // we get RGB data
        uint32_t rgb = (uint32_t) strtol((const char *) &payload[1], NULL, 16);   // decode rgb data
        int r = ((rgb >> 20) & 0x3FF);                     // 10 bits per color, so R: bits 20-29
        int g = ((rgb >> 10) & 0x3FF);                     // G: bits 10-19
        int b =          rgb & 0x3FF;                      // B: bits  0-9

        analogWrite(LED_RED,   r);                         // write it to the LED output pins
        analogWrite(LED_GREEN, g);
        analogWrite(LED_BLUE,  b);
      } else if (payload[0] == 'R') {                      // the browser sends an R when the rainbow effect is enabled
        rainbow = true;
      } else if (payload[0] == 'N') {                      // the browser sends an N when the rainbow effect is disabled
        rainbow = false;
Again, most of the code is adapted from the previous examples, only the WebSocket part is new.
There are different types of WebSocket messages, but we're only interested in the text type, because the JavaScript code at the client side sends the color data in text format, as a hexadecimal number, starting with a '#' sign.
Each color is a 10-bit number, so in total, it gives us a 30-bit number for the RGB value.
When the rainbow function is enabled, JavaScript sends an 'R' character, and when it's disabled, it sends a 'N' character. 
Let's take a look at the HTML and JavaScript code as well:


<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>LED Control</title>
  <link href='https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto:300' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
  <link href='main.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
  <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="180x180" href="/apple-touch-icon-180x180.png">
  <link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="144x144"  href="/favicon-144x144.png">
  <link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="48x48" href="/favicon.ico">
  <link rel="manifest" href="/manifest.json">
  <meta name="theme-color" content="#00878f">
  <meta content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0' name='viewport'>
  <script src="/WebSocket.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

      <h1>LED Control</h1>
          <td style="width:14.4px; text-align: right">R: </td>
          <td><input class="enabled" id="r" type="range" min="0" max="1023" step="1" oninput="sendRGB();" value="0"></td>
          <td style="width:14.4px; text-align: right">G: </td>
          <td><input class="enabled" id="g" type="range" min="0" max="1023" step="1" oninput="sendRGB();" value="0"></td>
          <td style="width:14.4px; text-align: right">B: </td>
          <td><input class="enabled" id="b" type="range" min="0" max="1023" step="1" oninput="sendRGB();" value="0"></td>
      <p style="margin:8px 0px">
        <button id="rainbow" class="button" style="background-color:#999" onclick="rainbowEffect();">Rainbow</button>

There's really not much to it, just 3 sliders and a button linked to JavaScript functions.


var rainbowEnable = false;
var connection = new WebSocket('ws://' + location.hostname + ':81/', ['arduino']);
connection.onopen = function () {
  connection.send('Connect ' + new Date());
connection.onerror = function (error) {
  console.log('WebSocket Error ', error);
connection.onmessage = function (e) {
  console.log('Server: ', e.data);
connection.onclose = function () {
  console.log('WebSocket connection closed');

function sendRGB () {
  var r = document.getElementById('r').value** 2 / 1023;
  var g = document.getElementById('g').value** 2 / 1023;
  var b = document.getElementById('b').value** 2 / 1023;

  var rgb = r << 20 | g << 10 | b;
  var rgbstr = '#' + rgb.toString(16);
  console.log('RGB: ' + rgbstr);

function rainbowEffect () {
  rainbowEnable = ! rainbowEnable;
  if (rainbowEnable) {
    document.getElementById('rainbow').style.backgroundColor = '#00878F';
    document.getElementById('r').className = 'disabled';
    document.getElementById('g').className = 'disabled';
    document.getElementById('b').className = 'disabled';
    document.getElementById('r').disabled = true;
    document.getElementById('g').disabled = true;
    document.getElementById('b').disabled = true;
  } else {
    document.getElementById('rainbow').style.backgroundColor = '#999';
    document.getElementById('r').className = 'enabled';
    document.getElementById('g').className = 'enabled';
    document.getElementById('b').className = 'enabled';
    document.getElementById('r').disabled = false;
    document.getElementById('g').disabled = false;
    document.getElementById('b').disabled = false;
We just create a WebSocket connection object to send data to the ESP. 
Then every time a slider is moved, we take the values of the three sliders and we square the color values to get a smoother and more natural curve. We then combine them into a 30-bit number (10 bits per color). Finally, the RGB value gets converted to a hexadecimal string, a '#' is added, and it's sent to the ESP.
When the rainbow button is pressed, the sliders are disabled, and an 'R' is sent to the ESP. When the rainbow button is pressed again, the sliders are enabled, and an 'N' is sent.

Helper functions

Back to the ESP8266 Arduino code again. We need some other functions as well, to convert bytes to KB and MB, to determine file types based on file extensions and to convert a hue angle to RGB values.
String formatBytes(size_t bytes) { // convert sizes in bytes to KB and MB
  if (bytes < 1024) {
    return String(bytes) + "B";
  } else if (bytes < (1024 * 1024)) {
    return String(bytes / 1024.0) + "KB";
  } else if (bytes < (1024 * 1024 * 1024)) {
    return String(bytes / 1024.0 / 1024.0) + "MB";

String getContentType(String filename) { // determine the filetype of a given filename, based on the extension
  if (filename.endsWith(".html")) return "text/html";
  else if (filename.endsWith(".css")) return "text/css";
  else if (filename.endsWith(".js")) return "application/javascript";
  else if (filename.endsWith(".ico")) return "image/x-icon";
  else if (filename.endsWith(".gz")) return "application/x-gzip";
  return "text/plain";

void setHue(int hue) { // Set the RGB LED to a given hue (color) (0° = Red, 120° = Green, 240° = Blue)
  hue %= 360;                   // hue is an angle between 0 and 359°
  float radH = hue*3.142/180;   // Convert degrees to radians
  float rf, gf, bf;
  if(hue>=0 && hue<120){        // Convert from HSI color space to RGB              
    rf = cos(radH*3/4);
    gf = sin(radH*3/4);
    bf = 0;
  } else if(hue>=120 && hue<240){
    radH -= 2.09439;
    gf = cos(radH*3/4);
    bf = sin(radH*3/4);
    rf = 0;
  } else if(hue>=240 && hue<360){
    radH -= 4.188787;
    bf = cos(radH*3/4);
    rf = sin(radH*3/4);
    gf = 0;
  int r = rf*rf*1023;
  int g = gf*gf*1023;
  int b = bf*bf*1023;
  analogWrite(LED_RED,   r);    // Write the right color to the LED output pins
  analogWrite(LED_GREEN, g);
  analogWrite(LED_BLUE,  b);
To convert from hue to RGB, we use sines and cosines, because the sum of their squares is always one, so the total intensity will always be more or less the same.
This results in the following RGB curves:

Using the example

Download the example from GitHub and open it in the Arduino IDE. Then add your Wi-Fi credentials (lines 83-85).
Connect an RGB LED with red to pin 15, green to pin 12 and blue to pin 13. Don't forget the current limiting resistors!
Select the SPIFFS size (64KB should be enough, but if you want to upload more files later, you should set it higher). Upload the sketch over Serial, and then upload the SPIFFS files using Tools > ESP8266 Sketch Data Upload.
Wait for it to connect to a Wi-Fi network, or connect to the ESP8266 Access Point using the password 'thereisnospoon', and go to http://esp8266.local. You should get a page that looks like this:


Use the sliders to adjust the color levels of the LED, and press the Rainbow button to enable the rainbow effect.
If you go to http://esp8266.local/edit.html, you can upload or update files:
